Your Pride and Joy

The Letter of 1 Thessalonians As we have observed through Paul and the Thessalonian Church, there are a lot of benefits and rewards that come with reaping the Lord’s harvest. It may be difficult work, but the wages that you will reap are beyond words. And to make it even Read more…

The Law of Love

The Testimony of John Read 2 John 1-6. Love one another! John is repeating himself over and over again not because he himself values this command, but because God does. To get a better idea of this, let us look to Jesus Himself when He taught this to His disciples: Read more…

Broken Promises

The Gospel of John Has anyone ever made a promise to you that they couldn’t keep? Reflect on that memory for just a moment and ask yourself how that felt at the time? Now let’s turn that around, have you ever made a promise that you couldn’t keep? It didn’t Read more…