The Christian Conduct of Corinthians

Do you ever think that you could better serve God if you just moved on to something better? A different job or career? If you weren’t unequally yoked in your marriage? If you were married to begin with?

That if you just had whatever it may be, life would improve and you could better seek and serve the Lord?

If this is you, know that God certainly has a great future for you to look forward to, but you might not enjoy the word the Apostle Paul had to share to the restless believers of Corinth when they felt the same way as you do today.

Read 1 Corinthians 7:17-24.

Right where you are is where God desires you be.

Right where you are is exactly where He desires to change you, empower you, and use you to transform and impact the world around you.

Do you believe that? Can you believe that?

You might think you need to leave your unbelieving spouse, your unfruitful or purposeless job, your home, your Church, or whatever it may be, but that’s simply not true because the truth is, God may very well have you there for the entire purpose of using you to transform that very thing you desire to leave!

This doesn’t mean He doesn’t have a great and wonderful future for you that will blow you away, but what it does mean is that you are called to be content right where you are, seeking Him and surrendering yourself to His great and marvelous will, right here, right now.

Therefore, what is it that you desire to change in your life? What do you think has to change in order for you to better serve the Lord?

Embrace it! Pour the love of God into it and begin transforming it with the Gospel and prepare yourself to witness the Lord do in you more than you could ask or imagine!

Reflection Questions:

Have you ever felt this way before?

In what ways has the Lord spoken to you today on how you can make an impact right where you are? Explain.


Since coming to faith as a young college student, God’s lead has taken me around the world and back. Today, my passion is clearer than ever; my heart hurts for the lost, but it burns for the Church. My deepest desire is to equip the Church to be the body, working together to see people’s lives be redeemed in the name of Jesus. My name is Christian and my wife, Emily and I have been married for 6 years and have a little one named Amelia. Together, we’re fully committed to following Jesus to where ever He leads us.