The Gospel of Luke

Read Luke 24:13-35.

They have heard the rumors, they have seen the empty tomb, and they remember the words of their Lord, but their hearts fail them in unbelief.

“And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”
-Luke 24:25

Those disciples struggled to believe in the risen Lord, but today, how many people still wrangle with innumerable forms of unbelief?

How many saved believers struggle day in and day out with what it truly means that Jesus rose from the dead?

How often do God’s children fail to trust that He will provide for their every need? Fail to turn to Him in their time of trouble? Or do not realize what peace they could have if they simply believed with all their heart the things Jesus taught them to believe?

Jesus rebuked these disciples for not truly believing the things God told them, and for not having faith in Him and His words.

Therefore, do you desire to be like those disciples on that road to Emmaus, whose hearts burned within them yet could not recognize the truth even as He stood before them?

Or do you desire to choose faith?

For if your heart has indeed burned within you by the presence and glory of God, then take heart, and believe, for all that Jesus, the prophets, and the Apostles have spoken is true, and worthy of your trust.

Therefore do not doubt any further, but believe in the Lord your God this day!

What did you gain from this devotional today or has the Holy Spirit brought anything up that you’d like to share? Join the community in the comments section below!


Since coming to faith as a young college student, God’s lead has taken me around the world and back. Today, my passion is clearer than ever; my heart hurts for the lost, but it burns for the Church. My deepest desire is to equip the Church to be the body, working together to see people’s lives be redeemed in the name of Jesus. My name is Christian and my wife, Emily and I have been married for 6 years and have a little one named Amelia. Together, we’re fully committed to following Jesus to where ever He leads us.