A Heart Problem

Under the Covenant of Moses, God gave the solution of sacrificing animals for the forgiveness of sins.

This was a great mercy that allowed the people of Israel to live and have fellowship with the Lord, but despite this order, God knew that it was only temporary.

A band-aide if you will, for can a man’s life truly be substituted with a bull or a lamb?

In fact, these sacrifices were only foreshadowings of what was coming, the One God was looking ahead to.

The Passover Lamb that would take the sins of the whole world.

His name, Jesus.

“”For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
-John 3:16

Today, you have a sin problem.

No matter what you do to control it, to self-help yourself, or make it invisible to the rest of the world, there is nothing you can do to cure it.

But Jesus can.

In Him alone can you be forgiven, washed, made new, and declared as a child of the living God.

Only by His cross and the blood He shed in your place can you be redeemed and made right before the Father.

Jesus alone is the cure to your sin.

In Him alone is life forevermore.

And He alone is the answer to all you need.

The question is, will you hate your sin and give it all to Jesus?

What did you gain from this devotional today or has the Holy Spirit brought anything up that you’d like to share? Join the community in the comments section below!


Since coming to faith as a young college student, God’s lead has taken me around the world and back. Today, my passion is clearer than ever; my heart hurts for the lost, but it burns for the Church. My deepest desire is to equip the Church to be the body, working together to see people’s lives be redeemed in the name of Jesus. My name is Christian and my wife, Emily and I have been married for 6 years and have a little one named Amelia. Together, we’re fully committed to following Jesus to where ever He leads us.