Unity in Ephesians

Read Ephesians 5:22-33.

Marriage is from the divine, never allow the world to convince you otherwise.

God commissioned it from the very first day He created man, and with it He laid down the foundations for how it ought to work.

As soon as we sway from the Creator’s manual, we can expect it to fall apart.

Today, whether you’re married for 30 years or are single, there is something for you to learn here.

Marriage is the divine template by which God revealed to us the relationship between Jesus and His bride, the Church.

And with that being understood, we are also able to better understand how we are to live in marriage itself.

Read this passage again, and ask yourself, am I the man or woman that I am called to be? Am I conducting myself in life and or marriage as God commissioned me to? Meditate on this and jot down your thoughts.

God has spoken clearly, and so do well for yourself and abide by what He has declared and so be the man or woman that your spouse today or someday will desire as a follower of Jesus.

The only way to be that man or woman, is to be more like Jesus. Spend time in His Word, apply it to your life, and follow Him, and only then will you truly be who He has called you to be in life and marriage.


Since coming to faith as a young college student, God’s lead has taken me around the world and back. Today, my passion is clearer than ever; my heart hurts for the lost, but it burns for the Church. My deepest desire is to equip the Church to be the body, working together to see people’s lives be redeemed in the name of Jesus. My name is Christian and my wife, Emily and I have been married for 6 years and have a little one named Amelia. Together, we’re fully committed to following Jesus to where ever He leads us.